Greetings all! Happy May! I hope your year was full of wonderful theater and fantastic students! We wanted to give you the info we have so far for the 2024-2025 school year.
The NMAA One Act Competition and Thespian Festival will happen November 14-16th.
Festival will be in person November 14-16, 2024 at Rio Rancho High School in Rio Rancho, NM
One act plays will be in person
Thespys/Individual Events will be in person
We will offer workshops
We will offer college auditions
We will offer the Distinguished Senior Scholarship Award
The thirty-five minute time allotment for one acts will be in place. We will be updating the one act technical category critique sheets and will get them out as soon as they are ready.
One act plays MUST follow legal copyright guidelines. Anyone found to disregard acceptable legal rules will be subject to disqualification, fines, and banishment as a school from future events. Please get your rights and be prepared to prove legitimacy of content.
Each student may only participate in ONE Thespy and the one act OR two Thespys if they are not involved with the one act competition. If you choose to do two Thespys, one MUST be a technical Thespy.
We do not want to get into a censorship debate, however, it is essential that plays that deal with adult content and language be flagged appropriately in order to allow the audience the chance to decide what is appropriate for the students present. Please be prepared to provide a copy of your script TWO weeks ahead of time for perusal.
New Mexico state theatre students are welcome to participate in Thespys with the understanding that they are not eligible to compete at the International Festival if they are not official Thespians before they register for the International Festival.
Students must get Superior ratings to qualify for Nationals.
For those of you who love the competition aspect, all categories involved with the one act will be in place.
Registration will be in Open Water again.
The prices will be the same as last year. The deadlines and info on that should be out in the early fall.
There will be a Code of Conduct for the event.
We will be using the 2024-2025 Thespys guide and rubrics.
Red light list for Thespys, or content the students CAN’T use,can be found at:
Feel free to email your questions to or or
We are looking at offering several technical theater workshops for teachers on Q Lab and the Ion light board at RRHS. They would be held Saturday, June 8th and Saturday, July 6th in person at RRHS and on Zoom. If you are interested please respond to this email.
June 8 at Rio Rancho High School:
i. 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM, QLab and other sound playback
ii. 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM, lunch provided
iii. 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM, basic lighting principles with instruction on the Rio Rancho High School repertory plot and basic programming on the ETC Ion console.
July 6 repeat in Las Cruces if we can find a suitable location to basically replicate for in person training.
Look forward to talking to you soon!
Gael Natal & Melissa Souers, Co-Directors, NM Thespian Board